Coach + Bus, Transportation

Chatham Waterfront Bus Station

Chatham, Kent

Shortlisted through an OJEU selection process, D5 were successful following competitive interviews and commissioned in June 2007 to undertake a feasibility and site selection study.

Located near Chathams waterfront, the new Dynamic Bus Facility (DBF) forms part of Medway’s £6 billion regeneration programme.  Its central location means that the bus station has no principle entrance and must be approachable from all directions.  With permeability a key principle, platform buildings are nestled within a wider landscaping scheme to provide a strong pedestrian link through the centre of the site and create a bus station within a parkland setting.  Fully glazed buildings with tree like structure and curved copper roofs reflect the natural context and aspiration for transparency.

Published: Architecture Today, October 2012
Awarded: Galvanizing Awards – 2013, Galvanizers Association

Medway Renaissance

£4 million (2011)

Gross Area
1.5 hectares

Building Contract
JCT Standard Building Contract

Lead Designer, Architect RIBA Work Stage 1 > 6

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